"The Robot Arm" also known as "The Extendo Arm" is an invention of Aviva which first debut in season one episode, Whale of A Squid. It was originally designed for deep sea exploration as an attachment for the Amphi-Sub, but has since been use by the Wild Kratts for a number of uses during there creature adventures. It is resistant to water pressure over 600ft deep. The Mobile Invention Kit (MIK) has a smaller built-in version of the arm.
- In Whale of A Squid, Aviva used the arm to save Chris and Martin after the amphi-sub took a collision with a giant squid. Later it was used again by Aviva to free Bumpers mom from a ghost net.
- In Raptor Round Up, Gourmand broke into the Tortuga hoping to steal the remaining rescued raptors, but ended up being stopped by Aviva, Koki, Jimmy. Aviva used a new version of the robot-arm, now as an attachment to the MIK, to trap Gourmand in an orange sack.
- In Prairie Who?, the MIK version of the arm was used by Aviva again to save herself, Koki, and Martin from a stampede of bison.
- In Search for the Florida Panther, the newer version was used again by Jimmy to scan the injured limb of a Florida panther, to take a blood sample of her, and to attach a medical cast to the panthers leg. It ended up getting swatted every time by the cat's massive paws, severely damaging it.
- The newer version was used by Jimmy Z in Where the Bison Roam in an attempt to retrieve the teleporter ring, but it ended up being trampled by a herd of spooked bison.
- In Lemur Legs, it was used again by Aviva to fight off Gourmand in an attempt to distract him while the rest of the Wild Kratts team rescued the Sifaka lemurs that he was planning on cooking.