Rhino Power is a Creature Power that gives its users the abilities and characteristics of a black rhinoceros. It first appeared in the Season 1 episode "Let the Rhinos Roll!".
DNA Source[]
- Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis)
- Strength
- Horn
- Charging Strength
- Tough Hide
- "Let the Rhinos Roll!"
- ”Cheetah Racer” (disc only)
- "Race for the Hippo Disc" (disc only)
- "Creature Power Challenge"
- "Under Frozen Pond" (disc only)
- "The Amazing Creature Race" (disc only)
- "Capture the Fishmobile" (disc only)
- “A Creature Christmas” (disc only)
- "Red Panda Rescue" (disc only)
- The Rhino Disc is one of several other discs that change in color and appearance throughout its usage on the show.
- Rhino is one of the several creature power suits that doesn’t have a tail.