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"Quillber's Birthday Present" is the 36th episode of Season 1 of the PBS Kids show Wild Kratts. It is the 36th episode of the series overall. It premiered on October 25, 2012.


It's Aviva's birthday, and Chris and Martin decide to collect shed porcupine quills to make a beautiful necklace as a gift. The Kratt brothers must use this amazing defense to protect the porcupines from Zach's latest animal collection scheme.


The episode begins with a live-action segment, in which the Kratt brothers get a good look at porcupines and their quills. Afterward, they ask their "What if?" question, and the show transitions into the cartoon segment.

The Kratt brothers are hang-gliding over the African savanna, looking for a birthday present for Aviva, when Martin crashes into Chris while trying to land his hang-glider, causing them to get thrown into a bur bush. Seeing how burs hook onto fabrics, the brothers decide to find a "creature invention". Koki and Jimmy, on the other hand, try to keep Aviva's birthday a secret while setting up the decorations, which include balloons. Meanwhile, Zach Varmitech explains to his Zachbots his plan to collect animals for some robots. However, the Zachbots are out of power, so after plugging them into a charger, he heads off to collect the animals himself. Upon seeing some balloons that Jimmy accidentally released earlier, he has an idea.

While continuing to search for a present, Chris gets poked by an African crested porcupine, which Martin names Quillber. Due to the fact that porcupines defend themselves with quills, which are actually hair used as a defense, the Kratt brothers think that porcupine quills would make a perfect present for Aviva. Koki even gives them the idea to use the quills in a necklace. Knowing that porcupines shed their quills all over the place, the Kratt brothers follow Quillber.

Jimmy finishes pumping helium into the balloons. He leaves the balloons alone after tying them down onto some logs. Zach takes advantage of the situation by taking the box of balloons and the helium cylinder.

The Kratt brothers reach Quillber's den. They pick up some quills and leave not long after meeting Quillber's mate and two recently-born porcupettes, or baby porcupines, who are twin sisters. Once they get out, they notice balloons that originated from Zach. The Kratt brothers, and later Quillber, arrive at the Tortuga. When explaining the predicament to Aviva, Chris accidentally mentions that he and the rest of the crew remembered her birthday, leading to Aviva's mood being elevated. After Martin presents the raw porcupine quills, Aviva completes two Porcupine Power Discs. Aviva tosses the discs to the brothers, while Jimmy puts rocket boots under their boots. The Kratt brothers then activate their Creature Power Suits. Martin uses his quills to skewer Zach's fully charged Zachbots while Chris uses his to pop enough balloons to allow the animals Zach has captured to fall safely to the ground. As a last resort, Zach hits Martin with his blimp, but the blimp gets punctured by Martin's last remaining quill, which causes it to deflate and loop de loop out of view. Later, the Wild Kratts celebrate Aviva's birthday at Quillber's den. Aviva puts on her porcupine quill necklace and the Kratt brothers give a bark and root cake as a present to Quillber's porcupettes.

The show transitions into the ending live-action segment, which shows the Kratt brothers talking about the differences and similarities between North American porcupines and African crested porcupines. Afterward, they conclude the episode by saying "Keep on creature adventuring; we'll see you on the creature trail!"




Note: Featured animals are in bold.


Note: Mentioned animals are linked to Wikipedia.

Live Action[]

Note: Featured animals are in bold, live action animals are linked to Wikipedia.


  • This episode aired one year after Masked Bandits.
  • Chris incorrectly referred to one of the female lions as a young male.
  • This is the second episode where Zachary Bennett was uncredited as Zach Varmitech, with the first being in "Koala Balloon".
  • This is the first episode where someone celebrates their birthday. In this case, it's Aviva.
  • It is revealed that Zach doesn't like loop-de-loop rides.
  • This is the first and only appearance of Zach's blimp.

Key Facts and Creature Moments[]

  • Porcupine quills are specialized hairs that are hardened to form a spiky defense.
  • Unlike African crested porcupine quills, the quills of North American porcupines have barbs that hold onto an animal's skin and makes it harder to pull out.
  • Porcupines can't shoot their quills.
  • A porcupine defending itself from a pride of lions.
  • If punctured in a bad area, such as the chest or face, porcupine quills can kill a lion or other predators via bacterial infection.
  • Baby porcupines are called porcupettes, and are born with soft quills that do not harden or set like concrete yet until they grow older.
  • Porcupines are herbivores that mainly like to eat bark, roots, tubers and plant bulbs.
Wild Kratts episodes
Seasons: 1234567
Season 1

"Mom of a Croc" • "Whale of a Squid" • "Aardvark Town" • "Flight of the Draco" • "Mystery of the Squirmy Wormy" • "Platypus Cafe" • "Polar Bears Don't Dance" • "Build It Beaver" • "Voyage of the Butterflier XT" • "Honey Seekers" • "Bass Class" • "Fireflies" • "Mystery of the Weird Looking Walrus" • "Tazzy Chris" • "Octopus Wildkratticus" • "Walk on the Wetside" • "Elephant in the Room" • "Let the Rhinos Roll!" • "Kickin' It With the Roos" • "The Blue and the Gray" • "Falcon City" • "Koala Balloon" • "Cheetah Racer" • "Kerhonk" • "Mimic" • "Caracal-Minton" • "Zig-Zagged" • "A Huge Orange Problem" • "Seasquatch" • "The Food Chain Game" • "Masked Bandits" • "Flight of the Pollinators" • "The Gecko Effect" • "Little Howler" • "Quillber's Birthday Present" • "A Bat in the Brownies" • "Stuck on Sharks" • "Birds of a Feather" • "Googly Eye: The Night Guru" • "Raptor Round Up"

Season 7

"Outfoxed" • "Clever the Raven" • "Owl Odyssey" • "Race to Goat Mountain" • "Backpack the Camel" • "No Name Dream" • "A Fish Out of Water" • "Our Blue and Green World" • "Bumblezzzz" • TBA • "Salamander Streaming" • "Chimpanzee And Me" • TBA • TBA • TBA • TBA • TBA • TBA • TBA
