Wild Kratts Wiki

Peregrine Falcon Power is a Creature Power that gives its users the abilities and characteristics of a Peregrine falcon. It first appeared in the Season 1 episode "Falcon City".

DNA Source[]

Powers and Abilities:[]

The Peregrine Falcon Power Suit is covered in wind resistant feathers allowing the user to fly. It also can form into a torpedo shape allowing the user to reach speeds of up to 240 mph

Peregrine Falcon Power has strong talons and a sharp beak, allowing the user to cut through objects like rope, and rip off a piece of the ZTV.

Peregrine Falcon Power also give the user enhanced eyesight allowing them to see a clear picture of things that are far away. It also includes a Heads Up Display that can provide info on what the user is seeing.


If the user's feathers become obstructed, by mud or dough balls for example, they are unable to fly until their feathers are clean.


Season 1[]

Peregrine Falcon Power was first used in Falcon City where Chris and Martin protect Fluff and her parents from Zach trying to clean his building.

In Cheetah Racer, Martin uses Peregrine Falcon Power to find and free Blur who trapped in the ZTV and being used to power it.

In Raptor Round Up, Chris uses Peregrine Falcon Power to distract Gourmand while the others free the captive Raptors. Then Martin uses Peregrine Falcon Power to save Chris from a mud pit, and a hungry lion.

Season 2[]

In Race for the Hippo Disc, Chris uses Peregrine Falcon Power to try to save the Hippo Power Disc, but fails.

In Creature Power Challenge, Chris uses Peregrine Falcon Power to race with Martin's Cheetah Power Suit, but the Disrupt-o-Bots re-activate his Creature Power Suits with Bass Power.

In Journey to the Subnivean Zone, Chris and Martin use Peregrine Falcon Power to use Aviva's AquaMisting Nozzle to produce new snow and restore the Subnivian Zone.

Season 3[]

In Bandito: The Black-Footed Ferret, Chris uses Peregrine Falcon Power to search for Martin. He later is able to discover Zach's jet using Falcon Power.

In Where the Bison Roam, dream versions of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark fly over the Prairie before realizing that they are in a dream and deactivate.

In Prairie Who?, Martin considers activating Falcon Powers by using the Peregrine Falcon Disc and touching a Prairie Falcon.

Season 4[]

In Box Turtled In, Martin used Peregrine Falcon Power to get a miniaturized Tortuga back from a Bald Eagle.

Season 5[]

In Fire Salamander, Martin and Aviva use Peregrine Falcon Power to save Chris and a bunch of Fire Salamanders from Donita.

In The Erminator, Martin briefly activates Peregrine Falcon Power while cycling through his Creature Power Suits during a malfunction.

Season 6[]

In Uh-Oh Ostrich, Chris and Martin use Peregrine Falcon Power to search for Aviva's missing formula.

Season 7[]

Peregrine Falcon Power was briefly mentioned in Race to Goat Mountain, but could not be used due to the "No Flying Rule."

In No Name Dream, Martin uses Peregrine Falcon Power to fly all the way to Madagascar so that he could name a young Fossa cub that he forgot to name in Fossa-Palooza.


Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Season 3[]

Season 4[]

Season 5[]

Season 6[]

Season 7[]


  • This is one of the Creature Power Suits most commonly used by the Kratt brothers in their creature missions, as the peregrine falcon is found in several different habitats all across the world.
  • The Falcon Disc is one of several other discs that change in appearance and/or color throughout usage on the series.
  • This is their first raptor Creature Power Suit.
  • This is the 5th suit that Aviva has activated.
  • Interestingly, the Peregrine Falcon Suit has been activated in the finales of both Seasons 1 and 2.
  • This is Martin's favorite Creature Power Suit, as he said so in The Erminator.
  • Peregrine Falcon Power has been used in every season thus far.


Creature Powers

Aardvark PowerAfrican Crested Porcupine PowerAfrican Elephant PowerAfrican Wild Dog PowerAmerican Bison PowerArctic Wolf PowerAsian Elephant PowerAye-Aye PowerBat-eared Fox PowerBeaver PowerBighorn Sheep PowerBlack Bear PowerBlack-footed Ferret PowerBottlenose Dolphin PowerCaracal PowerCheetah PowerClouded Leopard PowerCoyote PowerDhole PowerEmperor Tamarin PowerErmine PowerFlorida Panther PowerFossa PowerGazelle PowerGiant Otter PowerGiant Panda PowerGiraffe PowerGolden Snub-nosed Monkey PowerGray Wolf PowerGrizzly Bear PowerGroundhog PowerHamster PowerHippo PowerHoney Badger PowerJackrabbit PowerJaguar PowerKangaroo PowerLion PowerLittle Brown Bat PowerLynx PowerMoose PowerMountain Goat PowerMusk Ox PowerNarwhal PowerOcelot PowerOpossum PowerOrangutan PowerOrca PowerPangolin PowerPine Marten PowerPlatypus PowerPolar Bear PowerProboscis Monkey PowerPronghorn PowerPygmy Marmoset PowerRaccoon PowerRed Panda PowerRhino PowerRing-tailed Lemur PowerRiver Otter PowerRed Fox PowerSea Otter PowerSifaka Lemur PowerSloth Bear PowerSloth PowerSnowshoe Hare PowerSperm Whale PowerSpider Monkey PowerSpotted Skunk PowerSquirrel PowerTarsier PowerTasmanian Devil PowerTasmanian Tiger PowerTiger PowerVampire Bat PowerWalrus PowerWarthog PowerWhite-tailed Deer PowerWild Pony PowerWolverine PowerZebra Power
