Leafcutter Ant Power is a Creature Power that gives its users the abilities and characteristics of a Leafcutter ant. It first appeared in the Season 6 episode "The Real Ant Farm".
DNA Source[]
- Leafcutter Ant (Atta cephalotes)
- Strength
- Mandibles
- Antennae
- Fungus Farming Skills
- Body Design (caste) Variations
- Pheromones
- Flight (occasionally)
Season 6[]
In "The Real Ant Farm", Chris, Martin and Aviva activated Leafcutter Ant Power to collect leaves and find out how and why ants farm fungus. After that they flew over to Scarlett's family farm to fend of Zach's ant-bots from stealing any more vegetables.
- "The Real Ant Farm"
- "Hammerheads" (disc only)
- This is their first ant-related power suit.
- Most of the forms have different personalities when activated: regular workers normally focus on working to harvest leaves and other tasks to help the colony, soldiers are determined to defend the colony, and small workers constantly think about finding leaves to clean parasites off.
- Strangely, nobody that activated the suit used the mandibles to carry the leaves, and instead carry them in their hooked hands.