Wild Kratts Wiki

Kangaroo Power is a Creature Power that gives its users the abilities and characteristics of a Red kangaroo. It first appeared in the season 1 episode "Kickin' It With the Roos."

DNA Source[]


  • Super-jumping
  • Kick-boxing
  • Strong Tail to Lean Back On
  • Pouch (female)
  • Speed
  • Sharp Hearing


Season 1[]

In "Kickin' It With the Roos", Martin activated Kangaroo Power in joey form in order to blend in amongst the joeys and mother kangaroos so he could retrieve the Createrra keys from Hopster, meanwhile Chris activated in the adult form to battle Roo Boss so Martin could get through safely. Soon, after not much success in finding the keys, Martin was snatched by a wedge-tailed eagle before it ultimately being dropped by it, which resulted in Chris having to activate the pouch feature of the suit to save him. Shortly after pursuing Hopster again, the brothers followed Roo Boss' warning thumps and ran with the mob of roos to escape the incoming dingo. As they hopped along, they spotted Hopster once more and after RB took care of the dingo, the two then hopped over to the Createrra once it was revealed Hopster was in there with their keys before deactivating.


  • This is their 1st marsupial power suit.
  • This is the first Creature Power to have 2 different modes depending on the age on the creature
  • For some reason the kangaroo power suit lacks the sharp claws found on a kangaroo's hand.
Creature Powers

Aardvark PowerAfrican Crested Porcupine PowerAfrican Elephant PowerAfrican Wild Dog PowerAmerican Bison PowerArctic Wolf PowerAsian Elephant PowerAye-Aye PowerBat-eared Fox PowerBeaver PowerBighorn Sheep PowerBlack Bear PowerBlack-footed Ferret PowerBottlenose Dolphin PowerCaracal PowerCheetah PowerClouded Leopard PowerCoyote PowerDhole PowerEmperor Tamarin PowerErmine PowerFlorida Panther PowerFossa PowerGazelle PowerGiant Otter PowerGiant Panda PowerGiraffe PowerGolden Snub-nosed Monkey PowerGray Wolf PowerGrizzly Bear PowerGroundhog PowerHamster PowerHippo PowerHoney Badger PowerJackrabbit PowerJaguar PowerKangaroo PowerLion PowerLittle Brown Bat PowerLynx PowerMoose PowerMountain Goat PowerMusk Ox PowerNarwhal PowerOcelot PowerOpossum PowerOrangutan PowerOrca PowerPangolin PowerPine Marten PowerPlatypus PowerPolar Bear PowerProboscis Monkey PowerPronghorn PowerPygmy Marmoset PowerRaccoon PowerRed Panda PowerRhino PowerRing-tailed Lemur PowerRiver Otter PowerRed Fox PowerSea Otter PowerSifaka Lemur PowerSloth Bear PowerSloth PowerSnowshoe Hare PowerSperm Whale PowerSpider Monkey PowerSpotted Skunk PowerSquirrel PowerTarsier PowerTasmanian Devil PowerTasmanian Tiger PowerTiger PowerVampire Bat PowerWalrus PowerWarthog PowerWhite-tailed Deer PowerWild Pony PowerWolverine PowerZebra Power
