Jaguar Power is a Creature Power that gives its users the abilities and characteristics of a Jaguar. It first appeared in the Season 2 episode "Shadow: The Black Jaguar".
DNA Source[]
- Jaguar (Panthera onca)
- Stealth
- Strength
- Swimming
- Camouflage (orange or black)
- Retractable Claws
- Shadow transformation (via stealth)
Season 2[]
In "Shadow: The Black Jaguar" Chris and Martin activated Jaguar Power to rescue Shadow from Zach's clutches but stopped momentarily due to Martin wishing to reactivate his suit from standard form to the same black jaguar form of Chris in order to properly blend into Zach's jet. Once Martin reactivated, the brothers prowled over and snuck onto the jet and then took Shadow back while Zach was too busy laughing, before escaping onto the Tortuga.
Season 5[]
In "Creepy Creatures", Martin was seen in Black Jaguar Power during the creepy creature power slideshow.
Season 6[]
In "Amazin' Amazon Adventure", Martin activated Black Jaguar Power in order to rescue all of the captured Amazon creatures from the villains and fend off all of the Zachbots and mannequins currently after him and Chris (who was in Golden Orb Weaver Spider Power). After this, Martin attempted to take on Zach's Jaguar-Bot, before being subdued by it and narrowly pinned down in front of Paisley's giant paver bot, barely being saved by Chris' spider webs. Finally, he and Chris were briefly cornered by all the villains, before Aviva came to assist with the Amphi-Trek and then slashed the animal holding cell control panel with his claws, freeing them.
The jaguar coat color comes with orange and black spots to blend into the floor of the rainforest. It can also come in black coat color with black fur and spots, but because of jaguar genetics only 1 out of 16 jaguars are black. Martin had to keep reactivating his suit in order to become a black jaguar.