Wild Kratts Wiki

Hermit Crab Power is a Creature Power that gives its user the abilities and characteristics of one of two species of Hermit crab: the Caribbean hermit crab and Marine hermit crab. It first appeared in the season 3 episode "The Hermit Crab Shell Exchange."

DNA Sources: []

Abilities: []

  • Strong Claws
  • Eyes on Stalks
  • Shell Retraction
  • Aquatic Respiration (marine only)


  • Terrified Without a Shell


Season 3[]

In " The Hermit Crab Shell Exchange" Chris and Martin activated Hermit Crab Power, but were quickly terrified due to their lack of shells, and were soon scared off by a seagull. Later after they caught sight of Gourmand they hid inside of a tire and a treasure chest, attempted to fight him off, but soon lost their newfound protection. After fleeing Gourmand they miniaturized themselves, but due to Gourmand pelting the Miniaturizer with doughballs they were slowly growing out of the shells they found and then headed towards the ocean. Upon arriving in the ocean the brothers realized they could not breathe and soon touched a marine hermit crab in order to do so, they then looked for more shells, found the shell exchange line, acquired new shells, and were turned back to normal size. Once they were turned back the brothers fought Gourmand and rescued the hermit crabs he captured.

Season 4[]

In "Stars of the Tides" Chris activated Hermit Crab Power to take on the harsh waves of low tide, but soon lost his shell, found some limpets and activated Limpet Power.



  • This is the second crab-based Power Suit, the first being Yeti Crab Power.
  • Aviva said she couldn't program a shell on the suit, but in Stars of the Tides a shell magically appeared on Chris's back when he activated.
  • It was revealed in The Hermit Crab Shell Exchange, that in order to breathe underwater, Martin and Chris need to touch a Sea Hermit Crab. However, in Stars of the Tides, despite Chris touching a Land Hermit Crab, he could still breathe. It’s possible that Aviva made it so which ever type of Hermit Crab is touched, the Hermit Crab Power Suit can allow the user to breathe both on land, and in the sea.


Creature Powers

Aardvark PowerAfrican Crested Porcupine PowerAfrican Elephant PowerAfrican Wild Dog PowerAmerican Bison PowerArctic Wolf PowerAsian Elephant PowerAye-Aye PowerBat-eared Fox PowerBeaver PowerBighorn Sheep PowerBlack Bear PowerBlack-footed Ferret PowerBottlenose Dolphin PowerCaracal PowerCheetah PowerClouded Leopard PowerCoyote PowerDhole PowerEmperor Tamarin PowerErmine PowerFlorida Panther PowerFossa PowerGazelle PowerGiant Otter PowerGiant Panda PowerGiraffe PowerGolden Snub-nosed Monkey PowerGray Wolf PowerGrizzly Bear PowerGroundhog PowerHamster PowerHippo PowerHoney Badger PowerJackrabbit PowerJaguar PowerKangaroo PowerLion PowerLittle Brown Bat PowerLynx PowerMoose PowerMountain Goat PowerMusk Ox PowerNarwhal PowerOcelot PowerOpossum PowerOrangutan PowerOrca PowerPangolin PowerPine Marten PowerPlatypus PowerPolar Bear PowerProboscis Monkey PowerPronghorn PowerPygmy Marmoset PowerRaccoon PowerRed Panda PowerRhino PowerRing-tailed Lemur PowerRiver Otter PowerRed Fox PowerSea Otter PowerSifaka Lemur PowerSloth Bear PowerSloth PowerSnowshoe Hare PowerSperm Whale PowerSpider Monkey PowerSpotted Skunk PowerSquirrel PowerTarsier PowerTasmanian Devil PowerTasmanian Tiger PowerTiger PowerVampire Bat PowerWalrus PowerWarthog PowerWhite-tailed Deer PowerWild Pony PowerWolverine PowerZebra Power
