Golden Orb Weaver Spider Power is a Creature Power that gives its users the abilities and characteristics of an American golden silk orbweaver. It first appeared in the Season 2 episode "Secrets of the Spider's Web".
DNA Source[]
- American Golden Silk Orbweaver (Trichonephila clavipes)
- Silk-shooting Spinnerets
- Golden Spider Silk
- Climbing
- Spider Vision
- Web Building
- Eight Legs
Season 2[]
In "Secrets of the Spider's Web", Chris and Martin activated Golden Orb Weaver Spider Power to free the spiders from Donita and Dabio's vacuum packs. After freeing all the spiders, the bros created a giant web to trap Donita and Dabio, but were soon frightened by Donita's jet which they thought was a bird. The Kratt brothers soon ran out of spider silk and Donita sucked up all the spiders. Later after resupplying with stronger silk, Martin attached a string of web to Donita's jet to keep her from getting away, but this plan failed when she cut the web using a giant pair of scissors. Chris went ahead and made a huge web that successfully caught the plane, in which the brothers went inside to free the spiders from Donita's Pose Beam.
Season 6[]
In "Amazin' Amazon Adventure", Chris activated Golden Orb Weaver Spider Power to help free the captured creatures, web up some mannequins so Martin could destroy them, hold back Paisley's giant paving machine, and web up all the villains.
- This is the first spider Creature Power Suit.
- In "Secrets of the Spider's Web" the suit's spinnerets are located on above the thorax, while in "Amazin' Amazon Adventure" they are located on the front legs (the tips of the legs can exchange for these) similar to Spider-Man's web-shooters. In real spiders, the spinnerets are located on the underside of the abdomen.