Eyelash Viper Power is a Creature Power that gives its users the abilities and characteristics of an Eyelash viper. It first appeared in the Season 2 episode "To Touch a Hummingbird".
DNA Source[]
- Eyelash Viper (Bothriechis schlegelii)
- Camouflage
- Quick Reflexes
- Slithering
Season 2[]
In "To Touch a Hummingbird", Chris and Martin activated Eyelash Viper Power to camouflage on a Heliconia flower in order to get close enough to touch Spaceship so they could activate Hummingbird Power.
- "To Touch a Hummingbird"
- "Rattlesnake Crystal" (disc only)
- This disc was originally programed from the design of the Python Disc, and later, its design was used for the programming of the Rattlesnake Power Suit.
- Eyelash Viper Power was made to help Chris and Martin touch a hummingbird.
- This is the second snake Creature Power.
- This is the first venomous snake Creature Power.