Blue Marlin Power is a Creature Power that gives its users the abilities and characteristics of an Atlantic blue marlin. It first appeared in the Season 5 episode "Choose Your Swordfish".
DNA Source[]
- Atlantic Blue Marlin (Makaira nigricans)
- Swimming
- Aquatic Respiration
- Round, Sharp Bill
- Speed
Season 5[]
In "Choose Your Swordfish", Martin activated Blue Marlin Power to have billfish duel with Chris and destroy some Zachbots, but ended up getting caught by the MMR2000. When they were released from the mako's jaws, Martin used his bill to press the button to release all the fish Zach had caught, and at the end of the episode he and Chris had a fencing duel with Aviva.
- Blue Marlin Power is the third Creature Power Suit of a sea creature with a tail fin that can sprout into legs, with the first two being Narwhal Power and Orca Power.