Wild Kratts Wiki

The African Softshell Turtle (Trionyx triunguis), or Nile softshell turtle, is a large species of turtle from fresh-water and brackish habitats in Africa (larger parts of East, West and Middle Africa) and the Near East (Israel, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey). It is the only extant species from the genus Trionyx, but in the past many other softshell turtles were placed in this genus; they have now been moved to various other genera. Despite the name "African softshell turtle", it is not the only species or genus of softshell turtle in Africa (the genera Cyclanorbis and Cycloderma are also African).

They are omnivores in diet, consuming small fish, crustaceans, and also palm seeds and fallen leaves. Like all softshell turtles, it has a softer shell then most typical species of turtles. They sometimes lay their eggs in the same area as a crocodile's in hope that they will receive the same protection. They are under threat because of large use of their habitats with fishing activities, and irrigation, destruction of their nesting places, destruction caused by boats, and water pollution.
